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Our people


Ammy Patel

Chair of FPHS

A dedicated professional working within the NHS for the past 20 years, I was pleased to bring the knowledge and experience I have gained into another key sector of public service when I became a school governor at Sir Graham Balfour School. I made the transition to Trustee of Insight MAT and now currently chair the Finance, Premises, Health and Safety sub-committee.

A dedicated professional working within the NHS for the past 20 years, I was pleased to bring the knowledge and experience I have gained into another key sector of public service when I became a school governor at Sir Graham Balfour School.  I made the transition to Trustee of Insight MAT and now currently chair the Finance, Premises, Health and Safety sub-committee.

I have significant experience in Business Intelligence, programme management, organisational and strategy development, and workforce planning, all of which are helping to shape the future development of our Trust. 

I subscribe fully to the idea of lifelong learning and as such, I am about to embark on a master’s degree in system thinking.  I also operate as a Black Belt practitioner in Six Sigma, a well-established and highly regarded set of management techniques which identifies and seeks to respond to issues which hold back large companies and corporations.

My down-time is spent with my family and following the progress of the England cricket team and Manchester United – both of which can be frustrating experiences.  I continue also to offer my services as governor at a local primary school.