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Our core aims

Core Aims and Objectives of the Insight Multi-Academy Trust

We will deliver our vision via our three core strategic aims. Everything we do should be focused ultimately on doing these three things well:

  • We will provide ambitious, inspirational, and caring education, setting the foundation for the future and ensuring our young people are ready for the world they’ll inhabit.
  • We will deliver high standards and value for money from our Trust support services, resources, estate and technology.
  • We will invest in and support our people, exploring and exploiting opportunities for collaborative, continual professional development, sharing of expertise and best practice.

By achieving our core aims we will meet the following objectives:

  • To make sure that, as they leave us, our young people are confident and best prepared to take the next steps in their lives, having received the very best education we can offer, backed up with support and guidance to help them make safe and appropriate choices.
  • To live up to our motto ‘Aspire, Achieve, Advance Together’ and the values which spring from it: They are values which will, when routinely exemplified and embedded, give our young people all the skills and characteristics necessary to become outstanding citizens of the future.
  • To ensure that our academies are staffed with the best of colleagues; skilled, committed, passionate and determined to help young people succeed. They are widely supported and challenged to give of their best. They want to work with us.
  • To make sure our premises are safe and provide environments in which staff and young people can work and thrive.
  • To ensure that the Insight MAT’s infrastructure is secure and supported by a skilled central team who ensure appropriate support and sound financial management.
  • To make certain that management and leadership at all levels are ambitious and respectful. Clear and coherent communication ensure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities. Planning is strategic, rooted in continuous improvement, innovative and open to challenge.
  • To demonstrate that our academies are held in high esteem within their communities and wider afield; parents actively choose to send their children to our academies. They like what we do.